PT Petrindo Jaya Kreasi Tbk. and its subsidiaries uphold an efficient and responsible mining technique, while continuously paying attention to the environmental conservation. Our principle conforms to one of the Company’s mission, namely: “To provide customers with reliable products and services with minimum environmental impact.”
In operating its mining activities, the Company has determined a policy to put forward reclamation as well as mineral and coal conservation endeavors in a measured, efficient, responsible, ans sutainable manner. This policy complies with the Company’s vision, namely “To be the preferred energy and mineral mining company in Indonesia through the creation of value in a sustainable manner.”
In performing its mining business, the Company acts upon the established sound mining technique principle and mining business governance. The implementation is in accordance with the provisions stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 26 of 2018 concerning the Implementation of Good Mining Rules and Supervision of Mineral and Coal Mining and in accordance with Government Regulation No.78 of 2010 concerning Reclamation and Post-mining.
One of the reclamation and post-mining activities carried out by the Company and its subsidiaries is through replanting and maintain the environment by organizing, restoring, and improving the quality of the environment and ecosystem so that it can function again according to its designation.
In addition, as a form of corporate social responsibility to the community related to the environment, the Company also has a Community Development and Empowerment (PPM) program, which is a program in the field of Environment as well as Health and Economic Independence which are interrelated with environmental conservation.
The PPM program in Environment sector through its subsidiaries includes facilitating land supply and plant seeds for community to participate in conserving the nature. In the environmental conservation program, the Company provides pangas catfish seeds and fish feed for the community’s fishpond, and it is expected to increase the community’s income and maintain the environmental ecosystem.
Meanwhile, in the Health and Environment sector, the Company supports the achievement of one of the Sustainable Development Goals (TPB) in the environmental sector, which is “Ensuring that local communities have access to clean water and sanitation”. To support the TPB, the Company provides clean water facilities and infrastructures, including two wells and its supporting devices. The wells are connected to the Pamsimas (community-based rural piped drinking water management) which functions as a reservoir, and then the water is distributed to all houses in the villages.