Audit Committee

Audit Committee Function

To support the implementation of the duties and functions of the Board of Commissioners in carrying out internal supervision, the Company has an Audit Committee which was established based on the Decree of the Board of Commissioners of the Company Number 002/PJK/KOM/X/2022 concerning the Establishment of the Company’s Audit Committee.

The maximum term of office of the Audit Committee is 5 years and can be re-elected for another period. The Company’s Audit Committee acts independently and is responsible to the Board of Commissioners.

In carrying out its duties, functions and responsibilities independently, the Company’s Audit Committee has an Audit Committee Charter as a guideline for the implementation of work rules. This Audit Committee Charter has been prepared with reference to the applicable laws and regulations, and is in accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association.

Duties, Responsibilities and Authorities of the Audit Committee

The following are the duties and responsibilities of the Company’s Audit Committee:

  1. Review the financial information that will be issued by the Company to the public and/or authorities, including financial reports, projections, and other reports related to the Company’s financial information;
  2. Review the compliance with laws and regulations relating to the Company’s activities;
  3. Provide an independent opinion in the event of a dissenting opinions between management and the accountant regarding the services that they provide;
  4. Provide recommendations to the Board of Commissioners regarding the appointment of an Accountant based on independence, scope of assignment, and remuneration for services;
  5. Review the implementation of the audit by the internal auditor and supervise the implementation of follow-up by the Board of Directors on the findings of the internal auditor;
  6. Review the risk management implementation activities carried out by the Board of Directors, if the Company does not have a risk monitoring function under the Board of Commissioners;
  7. Review the complaints related to the Company’s accounting and financial reporting processes;
  8. Review and provide advice to the Board of Commissioners regarding potential conflicts of interest in the Company; and
  9. Maintain the confidentiality of the Company’s documents, data and information.


The authority and working mechanism of the Audit Committee are as follows:

  1. Access the Company’s documents, data, and information regarding the employees, funds, assets, and company resources;
  2. Communicate directly with employees, including the Board of Directors and those who carry out the functions of internal audit, risk management, and accountants regarding the duties and responsibilities of the Audit Committee;
  3. Involve independent parties other than members of the Audit Committee to assist the implementation of their duties (if needed); and
  4. Perform other authorities given by the Board of Commissioners.

The Company’s Audit Committee consists of 3 (three) members who are from Independent Commissioners and parties from outside the Company, led by the Company’s Independent Commissioners. The membership of the Company’s Audit Committee is in accordance with the provisions of the Audit Committee requirements as stipulated in POJK 55/2015 concerning the Establishment and Guidelines for the Audit Committee. Based on the Decree of the Board of Commissioners of the Company Number 002/PJK/KOM/X/2022 concerning the Establishment of the Company’s Audit Committee, the composition of the membership of the Company’s Audit Committee is as follows:



Henky Susanto

Komisaris Independen/Independent Commissioner


Dikdik Sugiharto

Pihak Independen/Independent Party



Pihak Independen/Independent Party


Audit Committee Charter